MCh is currently located in Kopernikusstraße 10 and shares the building with the Industrial Furnaces Institute (Industrieofenbau, IOB). We moved into the current building in 2011, a survey of the building history of Materials Chemistry can be found here…
The main entrance door may be opened from 7:00 to 17:00 by pushing the door opener button on the service column on the right side of the door. Outside these regular office hours access to the building is only possible using a key (see below). The service column is also equipped with a numeric keypad which, along with the built-in speaker, may be used as a phone. Please dial the desired number and press the green button. All 5-digit RWTH phone numbers may be dialed.
The floor entrance will be opened permanently during office hours using the key lock on the inside floor wall. in case that neither the secretary nor JMS nor the senior engineer is present any colleague may open these doors by using the backup key deposited in the copy room, first aid kit storage. Please mind to close doors again in the evening before you leave.
MCh is located on four of the five floors (including the basement) of the building at Kopernikusstraße 10.
The following graphics show the use of the different floors and the designation of the rooms. On the right-hand side one can see a legend to identify the rooms.
Basement Ground floor Second Floor Third Floor
MCh uses semi-electronic keys. This means that the outside of the doors works electronically, so you may only access rooms where the door is programmed for your key. From inside the doors work purely mechanically. Thus, you may leave any room at any time (but you will only get back if the your key is accepted).
When starting to work at MCh you will receive a key without deposit. The doors will be programmed accordingly. In case you are missing the key and it may be lost you have to inform the senior engineer, currently Dr. Simon Münstermann, immediately. The key will be deactivated. In case the key does not reappear you will have to pay the price for a new one, currently 90 €.
When you leave MCh please contact the senior engineer in advance to leave the key in time.
There are 2 elevators available, one passsenger lift for approx. 6 persons in the front floor for storeys 1 to 4 (but not to the basement!) and one freight elevator with the dimensions
In the analytical lab section there are passive vibration platforms available, with the following parameters: