====== JMS Rules ====== To enable better science, specific regulations and procedures were introduced and govern the following science-related parts of life at MCh: * [[mchadmin:rqs|research planning]], * [[mchadmin:manuscripts|manuscript compilation (for both publications and theses)]], * [[mchadmin:meetingrules|presentations and meetings]], * [[mchadmin:hiwirules|HiWis]]. The whole MCh adheres to [[https://www.forskningsetikk.no/en/resources/the-research-ethics-library/legal-statutes-and-guidelines/the-vancouver-recommendations|the Vancouver recommendations]]. Here, you can find the current MCh presentation templates that were validated by JMS for the corresponding purposes: * {{mchadmin:mch_manuscript.docx|template for manuscripts}} * {{mchadmin:mch_planning_template.pptx|planning meeting template}} * {{mchadmin:mch_group_presentation_template.pptx|group presentation template}} (based on presentation of L. Patterer)