~~NOTOC~~ ====== IT ====== Is there a problem with a service provided by RWTH? Check [[https://maintenance.itc.rwth-aachen.de/ticket/status/messages|malfunction reports]] to see current status of services provided by RWTH ITC, and warnings related to them. ===== VPN ===== To access any RWTH internal websites and services from a network outside of RWTH (e.g. when working from home), you need to establish a VPN tunnel. More information on how to set up the RWTH VPN and log to it is provided on [[https://help.itc.rwth-aachen.de/en/service/vbf6fx0gom76/|RWTH ITC pages regarding VPN]]. ===== RWTHgpt ===== From 16.07.2024, RWTH Aachen University provides its employees with their own AI tool labelled [[https://genai.rwth-aachen.de|RWTHgpt]]. As a service provided by RWTH, it is hidden behind the two-phase authentication similar to other services such as VPN.