====== Forms ====== Below you find a list of mostly internal MCh forms as well as additional RWTH forms and external forms for regular use. The external forms have to be downloaded at the respective links each time in order to ensure they are up-to-date. ===== MCh Forms ===== ===== RWTH Forms ===== RWTH forms are a great example of external forms mentioned above since they are regularly changing. Thus, they have to be downloaded from the [[https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/studium/im-studium/pruefungsangelegenheiten/~ccwp/formularschrank-mit-suche-und-filter/?lidx=1|RWTH Forms Database]] each time you need to fill them. ===== MCh Templates ===== All the MCh templates can be found on our internal server: K:\Organization\General organization data === MCh Logo === The MCh logo is in accordance with the corporate identity concept of RWTH Aachen University. It consists of the institutes name in combination with the RWTH logo, see on top on the left. Though existing, we never use the logo versions including the German description "Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffchemie"!