Materials Chemistry I Praktikum is an undergraduate course on thermodynamics at RWTH Aachen University for students in the fields of studies: * Werkstoffingenieurwesen, B.Sc. (3rd semester) * Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (FR: Werkstoff- und Prozesstechnik), B.Sc. (2nd semester) The lab takes place in both winter and summer term and is given by Bastian Stelzer, Holger Rueß and Friederike Wittmers. The course contains the following online experiments: * Reduction of Copper(II) oxide and phase analysis by EDX * Oxidation of Nickel and phase analysis by XRD The online experiments are located here: * [[|Oxidation]] * [[|EDX]] * [[|Reduktion]] * [[|XRD]]